Why Use AnyWeblock?
Any Weblock is basically a small program, designed to quickly block any malicious website from loading on your computer, by just entering the domain name into the program window. Once the other user tries to access one of your blocked websites, they will receive an error message such as that the website was unable to be found. However, if you really want to block a certain site, you can, by using Any Weblock.
As stated above, AnyWeblock is not a virus or spyware remover, nor does it interfere with the security of your computer or its files. These kinds of programs are usually used by those who use common sense and good internet practices. If you have ever surfed the Internet or visited a website that was not secured in any way, you can probably understand my point of view. Most people do not take the time to read the "About" and "Help" sections of a website, so they often click on the "Back" button to leave the website, only to be caught in a web environment that is insecure and possibly infected with spyware or a virus.
By using AnyWeblock, you can easily avoid this situation and protect your computer. This is because AnyWeblock automatically goes through each and every website that you visit and either removes the malicious scripts or removes the malicious files from your computer. This is very beneficial to the average Internet user, as it means that your computer will not become infected with any viruses or spyware. So, by using AnyWeblock, you can rest assured that your computer and files will remain safe from any malicious websites, and that you will not need to worry about getting your identity stolen or your money corrupted. So, if you want to browse the Internet without having to worry about being caught in a bad situation, then I highly recommend that you download AnyWeblock and let it fix any problems that you might encounter while on the Internet.