Change your interface for free
OldNewExplorer lets users change their Windows 10, 8.1 or 8 interface back into the old Windows 7 interface for free. This is particularly helpful if you prefer the old layout or aren’t comfortable with the new one. It’ll also help your system operate faster in some areas.
The developer, Tihiy, created this nostalgic utility. There’s also the option to customise it, restoring the entire interface or replacing specific aspects of the current one. It also improves the style with some attractive built-in visual styles, which is similar to Tweak UI.
You can make several helpful changes with this program. These include hiding the caption text in File Explorer or activating the details pane from the bottom of the interface.
Change the file explorer
After downloading the program, you’ll have to extract the files from the ZIP folder. You can then copy the ‘OldNewExplorer’ folder directly to where your system files are located (like the C or D drive). You can then open the application to install it.
Upon opening, you can then select the changes you would like to include. These include the options to enable glass on the navigation bar, use alternative navigation button style, appearance style, status bar style and many others.
Once you’re happy with your settings, hit the install button. You can also uninstall the program by reopening the program and clicking on the uninstall button. If you see that your changes aren’t working, restart your computer.
Additional information
It’s a pretty compact software at under 1 MB in size. This freeware requires a Windows 8, 8,1, or 10 PC running either the 32 or 64-bit version.
Sometimes, old is better
If you’re not too fond of the current Windows interface and want to go back to what worked for you in the past, look no further than OldNewExplorer. This third-party app is just what you need if you’re trying to customise your current Windows experience. It can often feel difficult, especially for those of us who aren’t tech gurus, to learn an entirely new interface. It’s incredibly helpful that OldNewExplorer provides the option for those of us who are looking for something more familiar.