How To Completely Uninstall The Program
You may have been having some issues lately and if you are, then you will surely want to reinstall the version of Little Alchemy for Pokki on your Windows machine. It is possible that your Windows operating system has caught an infection of some sorts and this infection may have affected the software as well. You can either reinstall the entire version of the game or just delete the infected files. If you are planning to reinstall the game on Windows, here is how to go about it.
To reinstall the game on your Windows machine, first you need to be able to get into the game. To do this, launch the program on your computer and if you are in a specific region where the game is localized, launch the game in that region as well. You should also open the "Save/Resume" dialog box. Next, launch the Windows Task Manager by pressing the "ctrl" key and then click "task manager". You should then click on "start" and then click" ok".You should then launch the Windows updater software which will allow you to get the latest updates for Little Alchemy for Pokki.
To completely uninstall the game on your Windows machine, launch Windows Update and then click "Check for updates." Once you have done so, remove the link you clicked on to get started and then press "Remove" to complete the removal process. As previously stated, this is a very easy step-by-step tutorial and all you need to know is what to do to uninstall the program from windows.