A Look Into the Windows JPEGsnoop Tool
JPEGsnoop is a new utility for Windows operating systems. The utility allows you to extract images from any image file using only one file. Before this, it was necessary for the user to use several programs in order to extract a single JPEG file from a jpeg file. Besides, there were also several limitations in terms of compression quality.
New Feature: It is better to understand the program's technical details and to have an in-depth knowledge about the program. If you do not know anything about Windows, it is recommended to download the trial version of JPEGsnoop and try it out on your computer. By doing so, you will get an idea about the capabilities of the Windows JPEGsnoop decoder. So, if you like what you see, you can purchase the full version of the software.
This is the link for a short article, "Calvin Hass' JPEGsnoop Tutorial". In this article, I have discussed about the different advantages of the utility of JPEGsnoop. You can now decide whether you want to learn more about JPEGsnoop or not. Remember, if you want to learn the basics of the JPEG compression, you should read this article.