Free MP3 Joiner - Convert Audio to WAV
FREE MP3 JOBiner is a simple and fast multi-purpose free audio compressor and Joiner converts audio. It merges two or more audio files together with the click of a mouse. The user interface is extremely friendly and interactive for all users. Even if you regularly use lots of free mp3 music, it's still useful to have Music Joiner installed in your computer.
This little program is so handy, I almost forgot to mention it. If you are tired of those long endless downloads from websites that offer nothing but endless ads and crap that only annoy you, then let Music Joiner takes you out of that nightmare. All you have to do is enter a website address where you want to transfer the music from. When you have it loaded on your windows system, just hit the "Begins" button and your favorite music will begin to play right away. When you have finished, your chosen music will be A-ok with your windows system.
As Music Joiner can be used to rip and burn songs, it also has the potential to convert your wav files to lossless WAV formats. This is very handy if you are a music lover who regularly burns copies of their favorite songs to CDs or store them online. You don't have to worry about the quality or length of the songs, as the output format will be lossless. You will love this amazing free mp3 joiner, once you try it out.