An Online Computer Game Review of Rocket Mania!
The story of Rocket Mania! revolves around a young boy, Martin who lives in the town of Rockettown with his mother and younger brother, Bub. One day Martin gets a visit from his old friend Ralph, who gives him a box of fuses. He guesses that the box contains a bomb, and in order to get rid of the bomb, he has to unlock all the secret passages. In doing so, he gets stuck inside a huge underground tunnel which leads him to several other exciting areas, including the top secret lab of Spintop-games.
The main game in Rocket Mania! is quite fun, as you have to strategically examine the screen in order to find all the fireworks and fuse segments which are located within the small gaps between the walls. The game makes you use both the keyboard and the mouse, as well as the various buttons present on your keyboard. Some of the sections in the game require you to use the mouse in order to run through them, but it isn't possible to use the keyboard for walking through these tunnels.