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Advanced Uninstaller PRO - 25 tools

Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a system tuning tool that helps you clean up your Windows computer. It's designed to make it easy to get rid of programs you no longer need, ensuring that they don't leave any mess behind. The software comes packed with more than 25 tools that do everything from wiping out old files to speeding up your PC. It’s very user-friendly, making it simple for anyone to maintain their computer’s health and keep their private information safe.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO takes uninstalling programs to the next level by making sure that every bit of a program, including leftover files and settings, is completely removed from your computer. Here are some key features:

Key Features

  • Thorough cleanup: It gets rid of all remnants of uninstalled programs, including files and registry entries.
  • Installation tracking: It watches what changes are made during a program's installation so you can undo them if necessary.
  • Browser cleanup: It clears out unwanted toolbars, plugins, and other add-ons that can slow down your internet browsing.

Tools to Boost Your PC's Performance

This software doesn’t just uninstall programs; it also has tools to help your computer run better:

  • Registry and service management: Cleans up the Windows registry and adjusts settings to speed up your PC.
  • Duplicate file remover: Finds and deletes duplicate files to free up space on your hard drive.
  • Startup manager: Lets you manage which programs start automatically when you turn on your computer, helping it start faster.

Protecting Your Privacy

Advanced Uninstaller PRO also focuses on keeping your personal information safe with these privacy features:

  • History cleaner: Removes the history of the websites you’ve visited and files you’ve opened.
  • File shredder: Permanently deletes files and folders, making sure they can’t be recovered.

Easy to Use

The program is designed to be straightforward and easy for anyone to use, with clear menus and helpful instructions throughout. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned user, you’ll find it easy to navigate.

Free with Optional Upgrades

You can download and use Advanced Uninstaller PRO for free, which includes all the basic features. If you want more advanced features, like virus detection or deeper cleaning tools, you can buy the Daily Health Check expansion pack. This optional upgrade adds extra tools and gives you priority support from the customer service team.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO is an essential tool for anyone looking to keep their PC clean, fast, and safe. It’s packed with features that help you remove unwanted programs completely, maintain your system, and protect your privacy

Enlarged image for Advanced Uninstaller Pro
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Advanced Uninstaller Pro for Windows
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 10
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
Available languages
Trial version
Latest update

Program available in other languages


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