Get Organized With Sordum
Sordum is one of the most popular software programs available for both Mac and Windows users. It allows you to create beautiful folders, logos, banners, and other graphics with Microsoft Office software. You can also save the various documents you receive or create using Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. Sordum Folder Painter also is a great alternative to organize your folders simply by color coding them. If you constantly have several documents that you access every day, it can sometimes be difficult to switch back to your regular theme after changing your outlook folder. This lightweight utility however, will enable you to change back the folder to its regular theme, should you ever change your mind about theme.
You do not have to understand how to use Sordum to fully benefit from this powerful software. However, if you ever need help navigating through the interface, Sordum provides quick and easy navigation buttons that make navigating your computer easy. You can use the Context Menu on the left side bar along with the Action/Recording menu on the right side bar to access many useful functions. The Actions menu includes things like Copy, Paste, Remove, Rename, and Search. It is similar to the contextual menu used in many of the common programs designed for web browsing.
If you are not familiar with the way Sordum works, you may want to review the short video provided by Sordum at the bottom of this article. This provides an overview of how Sordum works. You will learn how you can use the Sordum folder icon on your system as well as how you can schedule automatic updates on your email. You will also learn how to create a logo for your company using this powerful context menu program. Finally, you will learn how you can use the folder painter in order to make sure that everything on your desktop is organized properly.