Free social media photo app
BeReal. Your friends for real. is a free social media app for sharing photos and taking part in photography competitions. It adds the ability to take photos while also adding a selfie, using both the front and back cameras at the same time. If you love photo social media apps, also try Instagram, Facebook and Viewbug.
As part of the audience, you can react to other BrReal photographs from the community with emojis. There are various challenges you can participate in, but they usually have a time limit with rules. Once shared, everyone has the opportunity to comment and discuss the competition.
Alexis Barreyat is the founder and owner of the company BeReal. The BeReal. Your friends for real. app lets you find friends with similar interests so you can share your photography with them. Others in the community will also follow you if they find your photos interesting.
Posting your photos
You can also post photos as a group where there’s a similar theme. Everyone’s images will appear in the same space, leaving the door open for discussion. If you like any of them, you can post an emoji on the picture.
Engage in challenges
The exciting part of this app is that challenges will appear on your screen to partake in, but take note of the timer overhead. You’ll need to take a photo with the exact theme by the deadline. Once done, everyone’s images will appear for you to browse and react to.
Check your memories
The one feature that Instagram can learn from BeReal. Your friends for real. is the memory section. It contains a monthly calendar with sets of images placed on the days. When you click on one of them, you can see all the photos you took for that day.
Unleash your inner photographer
BeReal. Your friends for real. is an innovative social media platform for photographers. You’ll find others with a passion for photography, sharing their images for likes and emojis. You’ll quickly make online friends that share the same interests as you.
The fun part is engaging with the challenges, but it depends on if you can match the theme at that time. You’ll also love the memory section where you can check what you posted in the past months.