Stream content from BBC
Media AT is the developer for the free BBC iPlayer for Android. The app is rated for 12 years and older, and parental guidance is recommended based on the accessed content.
Use BBC iPlayer to watch TV series, sports events and box sets broadcasted by BBC. Access this content live or download it with the app. Now you can watch the news, sports, comedies and more at any time. You can also limit the shows your children can watch by creating an account. Alternatively, you can use an app like Pocket TV to find streamable content or Potato Streams for live sports events.
You can find the most current box sets, TV series and live events with BBC iPlayer. Download your favourite shows to watch later or when you’re offline. Never miss a moment with the ability to pause, restart and even rewind live channels.
BBC iPlayer features
Use the Add button to organise favourites into a playlist and use a supported device to stream your TV with Google Chromecast. Creating an account gives you extra benefits like receiving recommendations based on your viewing history or watching on different devices. Start watching on your phone while queuing at the shop and continue watching at home on your TV.
Privacy and security
This app tracks your activity to create recommendations. You can also disable it in your account by turning off 'Allow Personalisation'. It also records when you add content to My Programmes.
Besides the standard permissions, BBC iPlayer uses Android permissions like performance cookies to help improve the app. Still, you can opt-out through the ‘Settings’ menu.
Additionally, the 'Parental Lock' lets you restrict what your children can watch and listen to. You can prevent access by creating a pin but will need to turn this feature on separately for every device.
Watch or download for later
The free BBC iPlayer lets you access live content from the BBC or download it for later. Create an account and build a playlist of safe movies and shows for your children. Stop, restart and even rewind live channels. Watch the latest movies series and news on the go with your mobile device.