Armorfly Browser&Downloader Review
Armorfly Browser&Downloader is a powerful download manager for both iPhone and Android platforms. The Armorfly Download Manager (ADM) is designed to allow users to manage multiple downloads on a single interface, while also allowing them to select "done" after downloading a particular piece of media. This is achieved by using an on-screen menu or through a push of the button. Since it is an open source project, many security and privacy concerns have been raised against it; however, the program is still free and available for download at the official website.
There are a number of issues that users have posted regarding the program. Most notably, they are mostly upset with the lack of security and privacy protection offered by Armorfly. Many users claim that the program is just an adware and spyware that loads up on their cell phones when they use the internet. Upon installation of the program, users are not given any option to remove these components of the software. The only way to get rid of the browser from your phone is to format it and then re-install the application.
Armorfly has developed a new and different adware and spyware removal program known as Armorfly Browser&Downloader. Unlike other similar programs, this one works seamlessly with the android platform. It installs itself on your android device and automatically displays an interface that enables you to perform the various functions of the download manager such as installing media, transferring files and so on. This program is very easy to install and works very fast with android devices. You can read more about Armorfly Browser&Downloader from the developer's website.