How to Save PDFs to Word Documents
If you use Microsoft Word, chances are you have heard of PDF to Word and how it can speed up your computer. This is because when you save a document in Word, it saves the document in an external format such as PDF and it can then be opened using any application that supports PDF. However, some people don't realize that there's a much simpler way to do PDF to Word, which is to use "Batch Print". By using this method, you will be able to save all your documents into one document, which will allow them to be used in other applications without having to convert them first. This article will explain how to use this method to quickly convert PDFs into Word documents.
The first step is to find a genealogy program that can do PDF to Word conversions. There are quite a few of these available on the internet, such as Genalogy Helix. Once you have found one that you like, you should then install it onto your computer so that it can run the program. The next step is to then download one of the programs that can do PDF to Word conversions, such as PC Office Convertor.
Once you have installed this program, you should then open up a new Word document, by clicking on the "word" option on the main menu. Next, you should then choose "genetics", and you should then type in your family tree. Finally, you should save your document as a PDF, by going to "file" and then clicking "save as". After doing so, you should then click "close" so that your PDF to Word conversion is completed.