How to Fix an Orphan Graphics Driver
Intel Graphics Driver for Windows must be updated every few months because Windows relies on it to operate properly. In fact, if you are using Windows Vista, it must be updated even more often to ensure the best and most reliable computing experience. Updating the Graphics Drivers in your Windows operating system could either be done automatically or manually. If you choose to automate the process, you can simply schedule the job to run on a regular basis either daily, weekly or monthly as applicable. If you are manually doing the update, you have to be aware of some basic steps that must be followed.
To download the latest Intel Graphics Driver, you can directly download it from the official website of Intel. This driver can also be obtained through the various third-party software development companies that offer free download of various operating systems such as Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or the newer versions of the mentioned operating systems such as Windows 10. Once downloaded, you should then install the software and follow the installation procedures given on the product's product page or download page.
It is important to note that installing the latest Intel Graphics Driver is a one time process and does not require reinstalling the old version. The installation instructions of the Intel Graphics Driver will guide you through the process step by step. However, if you happen to find that things don't seem to be working correctly with your Intel Graphics Driver, you may want to perform automatic updates through Windows Update to resolve the issue. You can also do this manually. Follow the instructions found at the end of this article to perform a manual Windows update.