
Falcon for Windows

Spectrum Holobyte(Paid)

User rating8


Falcon Simulation Game Review

Falcon is a thrilling flight simulation game developed by Spectrum Holobyte for Windows. The game provides an immersive experience that will take you on the flight of your life in the powerful F-16 Fighting Falcon. The game offers a range of features that make it the ultimate simulation game.

The game has accurate weapons systems, head-up-displays, cockpit controls, and overall flight characteristics that provide an excellent flying experience. The graphics are 3-D and provide immersive images of buildings, forests, freeways, and bridges flashing by as you fly at the speed of sound only 150 feet above the deck. The game also provides a comprehensive suite of F-16 electronics and countermeasures, allowing you to take out bridges, power stations, tanks, airfields, and SAM sites.

Falcon offers twelve exciting missions and five skill levels, from Lieutenant to Colonel, providing a challenging experience for both novice and experienced pilots. The game also allows you to re-arm and refuel, and it has a black box flight recorder. The game's multiple views offer four cockpit views, chase point vantage, tower, MiG, or missile viewpoint.


Overall, Falcon is a fantastic simulation game that will keep you engaged for hours. The game is challenging, immersive, and provides an accurate simulation experience.



Falcon for Windows
  • Windows 11
Latest update:
Tuesday, January 23rd 2024
Spectrum Holobyte

Falcon for PC

Spectrum Holobyte(Paid)

User rating8


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