
iTube APK for Android



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Free music streaming app

iTube is an Android programme that allows you to stream music directly from YouTube, and it is free. This article explores all the exciting options of iTube features.

What is iTube about?

As mentioned before, iTube is a programme that allows you to stream music-only content from YouTube. iTube is considered the alternative to YouTube and includes features that are not available on YouTube. These features include playing any music in the background, no advertisements in the video at any time, and playing videos without an internet connection. 

Playing music in the background

This feature means that if you close iTube, its music will continue to play. Since playback is in the notification section, this makes it easier for you to change songs or stop playback.


No advertisements displayed while videos play

YouTube plays ads during videos. However, iTube does not. iTube has ads just off to the side, so you can listen to your music seamlessly, without interruptions. However, the placement of the in relation to the interface can make scrolling or choosing your next song a hassle from time to time.  While the ads that come with the application are intrusive, if you do not mind, iTube is a quality programme.

Playing videos without an Internet connection

This is an important feature because you can just put on some music and not have to worry about any interruptions. To skip tracks, however, you have to keep the programme open, so this feature is really for listening to your favourite iTube playlists, rather than aimless browsing. 

The app can save your playlists for offline listening, as it automatically downloads every song you click on to a folder specifically for your music. iTube can do this because of the unique caching that is installed within.

Listening to your music on the go

iTube is another platform for you to build playlists on. If you are a frequent YouTube viewer, especially for music, then this would be the best platform for you, as not everything available on YouTube is available on other music streaming platforms.



iTube 4.0.5 for Android
  • Android 4.3
Latest update:
Wednesday, November 3rd 2021
Download options:

iTube APK for Android



User rating8


We don't have any change log information yet for version 4.0.5 of iTube. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated.

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