Free Auto Clicker - Achieves Click Automation Easily With Free Auto Clicker
Free Auto Clicker is an auto clicker program that enables users to repetitively click on their mouse to make repetitive movements of the mouse. The program can be installed as a small stand-alone application or as a part of Windows Installer, making use of the "Task Manager" feature of Windows. With the help of a Windows Task Manager, you can activate or deactivate Auto Clicker with a single click of the mouse. You can store numerous clicking sessions by storing the duration in your registry. This enables the program to start automatically each time you launch Windows.
Free Auto Clicker has been developed to meet the needs of professional photographers and web designers. The program enables you to record specific areas, tags, search boxes, and other parameters necessary to complete tasks as you work on the same project. You can store these parameters in the registry so that when you are done recording a task, it starts automatically and you can access all the available parameters and actions through the Windows Task Manager. For instance, you can specify the parameters required to make a search in any document by pressing the keys Control, F, and J together. The free auto clicker will then record a specified keyword for easy searching in Microsoft Word.
Another advantage of this free auto clicker is its use of absolute clicking. Absolute clicking enables you to perform multiple actions simultaneously, regardless of whether the mouse moves or not. It can therefore be used with other programs like PC Fit to record long lasting and repetitive mouse clicks. Another great advantage of using free auto clicker software is its use of "smart start" technology which means that it notifies you about the start of a running application automatically, even though you may not be performing any task.If you are looking for an alternative, we recommend you to try FYT Auto Clicker.