Free turn-based fighting game
Yomi HUSTLE is a free turn-based fighting game developed for Windows by IvySly. This game lets you create your own combat scenes in a retro gaming style. However, retro gaming style does not mean anything similar to Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter 2. In terms of graphics, the game looks more like a simple creation in Microsoft Paint.
Yomi HUSTLE is similar to other retro-style fighting games like Street Fighter 2 or Mortal Kombat. However, Yomi HUSTLE is turn-based, unlike the real-time fighting you see in the two previously mentioned games. This makes the game a little more similar to Iron Blade: Medieval Legends RPG.
To call Yomi HUSTLE one of a kind would be an understatement. There are very few games, if any, that function in the same way. The game allows players to select a sequence of actions that are added to a timeline and then executed.
Interesting mechanics
These actions can be anything from basic attacks to special abilities and are ongoing. It is more akin to a choreography simulator than a traditional fighting game, as players must carefully plan their moves before the action begins, much like a choreographer would in a film.
Unfortunate graphics
The concept behind the game is undoubtedly intriguing. However, the graphics are difficult to comprehend. In this game, you have to contend with colourful blobs occupying the screen. Some of these blobs barely resemble the human figures they’re meant to emulate. The overall appearance is similar to that of a child's drawing, and it's a strange way to present an otherwise interesting game.
The attacks in the game are also unimpressive, and there is no background scenery at all. Although the unique gameplay is the game's strongest feature, trying to explain away poor graphics with a ‘retro’ label is probably misleading. Another significant issue lies in the complexity of the game.
There are no explanations yet for how the various controls work or the benefit or detriment of each move you employ. While some gamers might see this as a good opportunity to explore and find out for themselves, others may feel confused and overwhelmed by the lack of guidance.
Unique in every way
Yomi Hustle has a dedicated fanbase who appreciate the game for its originality. It's easy to understand why, as it does not fit into any specific genre, blending fighting, turn-based tactics, and movie-like sequences.
The game also features multiplayer, where the majority of players are fans. Unfortunately, only a select group of players who are willing to look past the poor graphics will be able to enjoy the game. However, those who do will find hours of solid entertainment.