"Please Close the Doors" - A Thrilling Adventure Game
"Please Close the Doors" is an adventure game developed by Koyotis Studio. The game is set in an elevator of "The Moscow Pharmacological Company," where eight people are trapped. One of them is a criminal who is ready to kill everyone to escape the elevator unnoticed. As a player, you need to find out who the criminal is before he kills everyone during the power cuts.
The game offers an exciting mix of detective and thriller genres. You need to interrogate each of the characters and question them about their day until they got stuck in the elevator. Be careful with your questioning, as too much detail can make the innocent nervous, and the criminal may kill you during the power cuts. The game offers different endings that depend on the actions you choose and your relationship with the characters. You can use a set of weapons, from mops and scissors to guns, to defend yourself. The game also has an original soundtrack and an alternative universe history that you can learn from notes, newspapers, memoirs of characters, and the environment.