Windows Security Has Some New Tools
The most important feature of HashTab is it actually checks for known good hashtags against its database. It doesn't check for missing parts, corruptness, or corrupted changes, because all of these can be found easily. It makes use of an in-depth, in-memory hashtab table to store data about each file on your computer. When you click on one of the files, you get the context menu, which normally just has two choices: right-click to open it, and then select properties. You can find the file properties option from the HashTab context menu, which is nice because you can see at a glance exactly what you are looking at.
One of the features of HashTab that is especially interesting is that you can actually edit the existing value for a washtub in two different ways. If you want to change the value for a known hash, you just click the up arrow on the column that shows the current value. You can then type anything into that column, except for spaces, which will close the row. You can also edit the value for the current or previous time of day by clicking on the clock icon. Finally, if you want to see a summary of all the changes that you have made to any of the hash values, you can click on the 'edit' button, which opens the properties dialog box.