Free calculator application
This software quickly performs various logarithmic and arithmetic calculations, but the software does seem to come with some risks.
Free calculator has a score of 2 on the VirusTotal website. The main issue that users claim to experience is that the application contains a Trojan Encoder, which is a form of ransomware. This might place all your data such as pictures, videos, games, work documents, files, and other sensitive information at risk.
Not virus-free
The ransomware that this application may install encrypts your computer's data, making it almost irrecoverable. Unless you pay the specified amount, you will not solve the encryption key that is needed and will be required to format your PC.
Basic uses
This free software can perform simple calculations such as working out your percentage, additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions. Several functions can be found on scientific calculators including logarithms. The software, however, cannot display the graph of any equation you type into it.
Not as great as alternatives
When compared to the alternatives such as your already built-in Windows calculator, the risk of installing ransomware or other malware is far too significant. The default calculator that comes with Windows performs all essential mathematical functions and has a few scientific operations.
Any problem that your default programme cannot solve is quickly resolved through a quick search on Google Chrome. Using this browser is an excellent alternative, as it will display the graph of a searched algebraic equation, along with many other scientific functions such as ergonomics.
Simple interface
The programme's user interface is straightforward and easy to navigate. You're presented with all the numbers you need to press and the various functions; including addition and multiplication. Aside from the necessary mathematical calculations, the software can perform a selection of operations you'd generally find on a scientific calculator.