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Editors' Review · September 18, 2021

New Free Android App - Who Deleted Me? Find Out Who Your Husband Has Deleted From Facebook!

Everyone seems to be running around with this new android app that is called, "Who Deleted Me? You'll know who deleted you!" I have no idea what this program is, but I highly doubt it is some kind of spyware or some other hack. I downloaded this program a few minutes ago and it looks like it could really help you find out who deleted you but first let me explain how it actually works.

Who Deleted Me looks like a very professional program that will help you search for your friends even if they have been deleted from your friend list. This is a new app that also tells you if someone has deleted you from their social networking account. Who Deleted Me also keeps track of all of your Facebook social network friends and even notifies you when any of them has deleted you from their group. This new app makes it possible to lookup your old Facebook and MySpace account information so you can get the proof you need to prove that they are deleting you.

If you are wondering if your husband or wife has deleted you on Facebook, then you'll be glad to know that the answer is YES, because this program will show you exactly where they've deleted you can prove it too. When you use this program, you can look up all of the people that are in your friends list on Facebook, as well as anyone that are in your daily contact list on MySpace. The best thing about Who Deleted Me is that it updates every time you change your status and it searches through all of the major social media sites. Now, you're wondering how in the world anyone can delete you from their social media, so I will tell you.

Enlarged image for Who Deleted Me
Who Deleted Me 0/2


Who Deleted Me 1.0.6 for Android
  • Android 3.0
  • Android 4.1.2
  • Android 4.2.1
  • Android 4.2.2
  • Android 3.3
  • Android 4.0
  • Android 3.1
  • Android 2.3
  • Android 4.2
  • Android 3.2
  • Android 4.1.1
  • Android 4.3
  • Android 4.1
Available languages
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The Media Dudes

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We don’t have any change log information yet for version 1.0.6 of Who Deleted Me. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated.

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