Sims Medieval Traits Bundle 1 Mod - New Traits
Sims Medieval has introduced a brand new system that allows you to unlock traits bundles with all new rewards. If you have played the game, you know that you have many different starting abilities and traits to work with. With the new Generations, one of the biggest complaints is that the starting areas are extremely limited and that players have to go through a lot of work just to unlock their starter abilities and traits. This is not the case with the first traits bundle for The Sims 4, as you now will be able to immediately begin developing your character.
Once you have begun to complete your research on this new system, it will become clear how beneficial this is for all players. By unlocking traits bundles with new rewards, you will find that this will greatly speed up the speed at which you build your character and will help you get through the starter areas much faster. We've seen many players complain about the amount of time it takes to level through the game and once you add the new traits system, this time is cut down dramatically. It also helps that there is only one instance where you need to unlock a new trait, meaning that you do not have to wait for multiple instances before unlocking a new trait.
All of these traits bundle rewards are purely cosmetic, but this isn't the case with all of them. For example, one of the most desired traits is the ability to speak a foreign language. By getting this, you can be able to converse with people from across the globe, allowing you to open up more opportunities. The new languages that are available in this Sims Medieval include Latin, French, German, and Italian.