A Short Guide To Using FX-Calc
FX-Calc is a software calculator designed for the Mac and PCs. It can be downloaded online for free. It is easy to use and comes with many other helpful functions such as graphs, trend analysis, and technical support. It can also perform automated trading for you and even provides signals for entry and exit when trades are sent to it through the internet. Here is how to operate this valuable tool.
Open the FX-Calc. Once loaded, click "Start" button on the menu. Then follow the instructions on screen. To make a trade, one needs to plug in a popular FX Symbol and a length of time in terms of seconds in the trade. Then click "Start" button again to send a trade request to the system.
In order to receive an entry when a trade request comes through, the software will check if the selected symbol is already traded. If so, then it will show a highlighted green background indicating that it is a hot trade. The trade request should be sent to one's broker via the "My Trades" page to place a stop-loss and exit a trade once the conditions of the trade is satisfied.