Free URL extractor trial
Developed by Vovosoft, the free VOVSOFT URL Extractor app lets you scan files and folders for web addresses. You can save these URLs to your local hard drive. The final display screen lists all the addresses found and excludes duplicates. Similar apps include Snooper and Helper.
This URL extractor comes with an initial free trial and is available for download in two ways: either a portable file that doesn’t need installation or installable versions for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. After the free trial expires, you can choose whether to buy the full license or not.
The app’s interface is simple and intuitive. All the options are clear, and the app’s functions load on a single window for ease of operation. You can start your search for URLs in a specific directory path or a folder by navigating to the folder search bar and typing the directory address and then clicking on Start.
App features
You can also select sub-folders by ticking the Include Sub-folders box. This utility comes in handy when there are a large number of files in the sub-folders. This feature is handy because searching for each file and sub-folder one by one isn’t really a viable option. Furthermore, you can exclude duplicate web addresses from your results.
Using the URL extractor
The list of files inside your selected directory path display is on the left-hand side panel of the app’s main window. The results list appears on the right-hand side under the Found URLs column. You have access to filters that can further refine your search by using File Masks. Upon the completion of the URL extraction process, you can save the final results in a text file.
Harvest URLs from folders
VOVSOFT URL Extractor is a neat app designed to do one job, which is to find URLs from files in any given folder. It will list the results according to your search criteria and filters. Bear in mind that after your free trial period ends, you must purchase a full license for continued use of this app. With this app, you can quickly grab links from within your files with a single click of the mouse.