Macromaker - Addictive and Useful Addon for World of Warcraft
Using Macromaker, you can level up your wow experience by generating a macro for almost anything that you wish to do in wow. By simply clicking a button, you can have a perfectly timed combination of abilities that would best suit whatever you wish to do. For example, by using macros, you can increase your leveling speed by making use of them as spot removal tools. Or, you can create macros to make sure that you have all the ingredients for a high level loot set, so that you do not have to waste time looking for them. Macromakers are also capable of increasing your workflow because of the numerous available options it provides; you can create macros to run specific tasks automatically while you engage in different actions in-game.
The main feature of Macromaker is the fact that it automates all the actions that you would normally perform on the keyboard. This includes macro commands and movement keys such as the space bar. Using the mouse can cause your actions to repeat over again, which is why the Macromaker eliminates this problem. Also, by running multiple macros with Macromaker, you are able to maintain a perfect balance between efficiency. By simply clicking a button or double clicking a command, you can instantly have the actions of the macro ready to execute. The only thing left for you to do is to press a hotkey or click on the mouse to execute the task that is being created.
Using macros to create shortcuts to repetitive tasks in-game is a great way to level up fast in WoW since all you have to do is click a button to have all the repetitive tasks done for you by the game. All you have to do is place the macro maker at the appropriate locations where you want the repeated task to be performed and use it repeatedly to ensure that everything is done the way you want it to be. Macromakers also make it possible for you to perform other actions such as resizing the view, page up/down, etc while the macro is active. All you have to do is place the macro at the appropriate spot, then click the hotkey or click the mouse to activate it and you are ready to do your tasks in seconds. Since Macromaker is very easy to use and learn, it will allow you to quickly perform all of the actions that you need to in the game without any hassle and you are free from repetitive tasks.