Handy Recovery - Can it Recover Deleted Data?
Handy Recovery is the easiest way to restore your PC back to its previous pristine state. With Handy Recovery, recovering chosen files and scanning your computer for errors is a very easy process - after some initial hurdles. When I first tested Handy Recovery on my test machine, things didn't go quite as smooth as I had hoped for. In the preview screen, I was presented with five files that looked promising: an mp3 album, a spreadsheet folder, a Windows Movie folder, and a Windows Movie Zip file. It was only after I selected the Windows Movie Zip file that Handy Recovery revealed the full potential of the software, and even though the software lacked some important features, such as being able to restore a video segment, I was impressed by the quality of the files I was able to recover.
Once Handy Recovery was installed, it quickly detected my error and restored the selected files. During the scan, it became apparent that there were other files on my PC that had also been corrupted, some of which I was not sure of. Once Handy Recovery began scanning my system, it returned with a list of files which were inaccessible or missing, but which I had saved due to some reason - I could not figure out how. Fortunately, there is an easy way to easily fix such problems, as described in the HandyRecovery guide that comes with the program. Once the problem was found, it was easy to restore the selected files using the HandyRecovery manager interface. During the scanning and data recovery process, I discovered that the HandyRecovery software is designed not to delete any files - it just works to repair any damaged parts of the system, restoring any missing or corrupt files that might have been lurking on your hard drive.
The HandyRecovery software has proved invaluable to me as a result of its ability to safely recover files accidentally deleted, even those that contain viruses. Unfortunately, I am a PC enthusiast and this method of recovering files has caused me a few issues over the past year or so. One issue was that, when running HandyRecovery, Windows would continually attempt to read the files that had been successfully recovered. This would cause the HandyRecovery program to become confused and remove the file from your system all together, resulting in the loss of unsaved information. However, after repairing the damage caused by this issue, I was able to use HandyRecovery to successfully recover files that had been corrupted by computer virus attacks.