BlueGriffon - Convert Word documents to HTML
BlueGriffon is an Open Source Web publishing software that enables easy WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) creation and editing of web pages. It's a logical successor to the popular NvU editor, which was no longer supported by Adobe when that company released its own HTML editor version. BlueGriffon comes with extensive documentation. It also comes with several add-ons, such as templates for web pages and files, a calendar and address book, a directory service, and a gallery. However, it does not contain a password manager.
To use this new feature in BlueGriffon, you first need to install its browser window. After installation, a "start" button will appear on the right side pane of your browser window. Clicking this button will launch the browser and display its startup configuration. If your browser doesn't already have a "start" button, you will need to click on "Tools" on the menu bar, and then click "browser."
To use the BlueGriffon editor, you need to create a "content layout," or set up the color scheme in your editor. You can change the default color scheme by choosing a new color in the "Color" drop down menu of the "Layers" dialog box. There are several available themes in the color palette. Once you've set up the theme, you'll need to choose a template. There are two types of templates - basic and custom. The basic template is a plain, solid background, while the custom template comes with a defined layout - the font, style, size, border, and color of your choice.