
Dead Empire: Zombie War APK for Android



User rating8


Free zombie strategy game

Dead Empire: Zombie war is a free real-time strategy game for Android devices. The title takes place in a late modern era, with many of the technologies you're currently familiar with. You’ll take the role of a commander fighting against the invading zombie army together with your chosen nation.

Control your troops

Dead Empire: Zombie War uses a free movement system that lets you command multiple troops at a time. While you may amass an army of strong soldiers, you'll lose the battle without proper placement and direction. You’ll need to change your targets and the routes you take to avoid enemy attacks and weaken your opponent.

Wage war

There are many vivid scenes of war in cities and other battlefields on which you can battle. Many areas are based on geographic locations from Europe and may be recognisable due to landmark sites used in the game. Additionally, many machines from the region are recreated, immersing you in the war you're fighting.


Real-time multiplayer

One of the best aspects of this game is that you're battling other players in real-time matches. This opponent selection is far more exciting and challenging than an AI that you can eventually learn to predict. Additionally, there are battles where you'll need assistance as you go against a group or entire guild of real people.

Choose your nation

You can choose from one of the many countries available in the game as the nation you fight for. This choice brings in a new strategic decision as you must pick which trait you use and several of your war machine options. Overall, this gives you full control of what type of army you leave and helps you coordinate effectively with your guild.

Along with selecting war machines and a unique trait, the nation you pick will also affect your unit choices. This variety allows you to find some of your favourite troops from wars in history and use them in battle.

Defend yourself

Dead Empire: Zombie War is a great choice to play if you need a real-time strategy game. There are various tips and guides available to help you defend yourself. Alternatively, you can play a similar game such as Lord's Mobile or Clash of Clans that features base-building.



Dead Empire: Zombie War 0.52.0 for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Thursday, March 21st 2024

Download options:

Dead Empire: Zombie War APK for Android



User rating8


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