A New Digital Signature Technology
DigiSigner is an open source PDF viewer software to automatically digitize signatures, create logos, trademarks, and other legal documents and then to verify their validity with the support of digital signatures. With DigiSigner you are able to automatically generate neatly styled, editable, print-perfect signatures in the PDF file. DigiSigner verifies and displays existing digital signature within the file. DigiSigner offers a number of useful features such as customizable templates, multiple password protected digital signatures, etc. which make it easy for companies to maintain legal documents with DigiSigner.
Currently, many corporations, organizations, schools, businesses and individuals are making use of DigiSigner to create their own secure digital signatures. DigiSigner can also be used to generate OTF and WPD documents. DigiSigner provides a powerful set of tools for the purpose of creating smart cards, OTF/WPD document signatures, password protected digital signatures and verification of digital signatures within PDF files. By making use of this software you are able to generate or verify digital signatures for your sensitive documents. DigiSigner allows one to effortlessly generate OTF and WPD documents from any word processing application with the aid of OTF or WPD templates. Thus, by making use of DigiSigner one is able to create legally secure and digitally signed documents.
DigiSigner has made it very simple for companies and individuals to create digitally signed PDF files. DigiSigner does not require any type of complicated setup, installation or downloads. DigiSigner will run upon just one click of your mouse and can be operated with its built-in key store. DigiSigner can be installed within minutes after purchase and is completely compatible with all types of word processing applications.