Free outer-space adventure game for macOS
S.o.L.o. is a free downloadable outer-space adventure and puzzle game for macOS. It’s based on an abandoned mining planet where you control a small robot that must save the planet from an asteroid. At the same time, the robot must navigate traps and dangerous robots controlled by an artificial intelligence called I.S.A.C. If you like puzzle games, you can also try Bonesweeper.
The game requires a computer with macOS X. It works with a keyboard and Kempston or Sinclair joystick. You need to run the game in 128 kbps mode to enjoy the lovely soundtrack throughout the game, as the 48 kbps version has no music. Lastly, you’ll need to require a ZX Spectrum emulator for the game to run.
Game requirements
Free game download
S.o.L.o. can be downloaded for free from the author’s site at, or you can decide what you want to pay based on what you think the game is worth.
The scene
The game is set on an abandoned mining planet where hundreds of robots were left behind and are now under the control of an AI called I.S.A.C. There’s also an element on the planet that is altering some of the robots by infecting their circuitry and positronic minds.
The plot
You control a little robot that needs to save the planet from an imminent asteroid by finding the correct path, solving challenges and defeating enemies along the way. The game has many rooms to play, multiple challenges, different levels, key collection and even laser beams. You can’t go outside due to how dangerous it is. Inside, you’ll face machinery and traps left by humans and dangerous, infected robots.
The gameplay
Your robot is agile, jumps between platforms and crouches to enter lower spaces. You can obtain upgrades to shoot at enemies or fly, but you can only have one upgrade at a time. This restriction will require you to select your path wisely based on the upgrade you had chosen. The retro look of the game adds to its classic charm.
Entertaining Challenges
S.o.L.o. for macOS is a brilliant game that will keep you entertained with challenges and puzzles. It has a novel plot, with a retro feel in graphics. Its control options are limited to the keyboard and joystick. The game is free to download but you can volunteer to pay the developer what you think the game is worth.