We like YuiNotes. We just do.
YuiNotes is essentially a post-it notes app for Windows that lets you pin post-it note like notes to your desktop. It’s a bit like the one that comes with the current version of Windows as standard, but with a little bit more functionality and utility.
YuiNotes is easy to use and can be mastered in a matter of seconds. The interface is intuitive and pretty much self explanatory. It’s a really good tool for the criminally disorganised or for people who like to have lots of notes that they can recall, hide and dismiss at the click of a button.
Users can select different color post-its for different topics, and the choice is expansive. The size of individual notes can also be individually set and the capture function allows you to create a post it note out of a webpage or any software you are using. Users can also search for specific words or references within individual post-its using the Ctrl+f key binding.
A particularly nice touch is the alarm/reminder settings you can set for your notes as well. This mean you can create a note, minimise it and not have it reappear until the alarm pings. You can also backup all your notes to whatever media you want.
YuiNotes also now supports and works seamlessly with DropBox. As long as you have a DropBox account, all notes will be automatically backed to DropBox, meaning not only are they securely stored but can also be accessed from other devices.