Transformers: The Game is a highly interactive action-adventure game based on the successful 2021 movie Transformers. The game follows the story of the movie, detailing the Autobots' arrival on Earth after a devastating war with the Decepticons which has devastated their home world of Cybertron and left them stranded on Earth. Players take on the role of either the leader of the Autobots, Bumblebee, or the evil Decepticon leader Megatron. Players will find themselves involved in numerous quests and missions throughout the game world as they work to protect the earth from the Decepticon menace.
The Transformers: The Game can be purchased for use on Xbox Live Arcade, Nintendo Wii, PSP handhelds and Windows Mobile devices. A free Transformers: The Game download is available from the official website. It features the cartoon scene rendered in high definition. The video game is enhanced with an array of custom made Transformers music tracks, which is perfect for those times when you really feel like getting immersed in the adventures of Transformers. For those players who are familiar with the live-action films, they can also enjoy the in-built tutorials which guides the player through the different aspects of the game. These tutorials are available from the main menu and when accessed, will bring the player up to speed with the different tasks and missions that need to be undertaken in the game.
The game features three different endings, namely the peaceful order, the ultimate resolution, and the chaotic control. The peaceful order sees the return of Bulkhead, who is the leader of the Autobots, and Optimus Prime. Bulkhead's plan is to lure Megatron back into the Decepticon base where he will be put on trial for war crimes committed during the war. Meanwhile, Optimus Prime leads the Autobots in a massive assault on Megatron's fortress, but they are defeated by the giant Decepticon himself. The ultimate resolution sees the death of Megatron, who transforms into a gigantic robot and is afterwards disposed of by the heroes of the story.