Pilot Brothers: A Hilarious Adventure Game for the Whole Family
Pilot Brothers, developed by 1C Wireless, is an adventure game that revolves around a missing striped elephant from a provincial Russian town. The elephant, Baldakhin, was stolen from the zoo, and the prime suspect is the notorious former owner, Karbofoss. Two well-known detectives, Brother Chief and Brother Colleague, are tasked with solving the mystery and finding the missing elephant.
The game features 15 levels of increasing difficulty, set in 15 comic-style locations. Players get to play as two characters, Brother Chief and Brother Colleague, each with unique abilities and personalities. Pilot Brothers also includes fast-paced arcade mini-games and absurdly witty mini-games that add to the hilarity of the adventure. Join the famed duo in their search for the elusive thief and enjoy this humorous adventure game with the whole family!