How To Use The Google PDF Viewer On Your Android Device
Google PDF Viewer is free software, released by Google, intended as a part of the Android for Work project, designed specifically for use on mobile devices and intended for use with Android devices that run on the Gingerbread and Kit Kat operating systems. It offers an easy way for smartphones and tablets like the iPhone and Android devices to read PDF files. PDF files are those in which the internet exists such as magazines and newspapers, as well as many other types of electronic content. The document is often protected by a digital lock, preventing others from being able to read it or print it. This can be helpful in offices, where some people may want to limit the access to certain documents that require the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
The first time you use the Google PDF Viewer app, you will be asked to sign in with your Google account. All of your previous Google accounts will be automatically upgraded so that your information is consistent throughout all of your devices. After signing in, you will be able to browse and search for PDF files that are part of the Android gallery. To do this, you simply click the appropriate link in your Google PDF viewer app, which usually takes you to the appropriate website for the type of file you're trying to view. In the example of the past and pdfs folder, you would browse to "pdfs" and choose the option for viewing. You should note that if you have more than one document, you can scroll down and see all of the available options for viewing.
Once you are signed in to your Google account, you can start using the PDF viewer app. You can use this to download pdf files to your android device, or you can even upload and share your own pdf files with others. There are a few different ways to utilize the Google PDF Viewer app, and these include: downloading, sharing, editing, and printing.