How to Uninstall Free MKV Movie Converter 2.6
You can use the Remove Program Manager in Windows to uninstall the software. However, if you're unable to proceed with the removal of the software, you may require technical assistance from Windows support. A few people have successfully removed the software using the Remove Program Wizard built into Windows Vista. To do this, click Start, Run and type "Programs" into the field. Click "Find and Install" to return to the Control Panel window.
In the Control Panel, go to Add/Remove Programs. Once you're there, double click the "Install/Uninstall" tab. Once you're there, just press "Remove" button. Follow the same steps above for the removal of the software. You can now uninstall the program, effectively removing it from your computer along with all its files and settings. If you're still having problems, you can look for any online help or support.