Notisave - Status and Notifications Saver
Notisave is a fully featured, Android Wearable notification and status manager. It allows users to manage multiple alarms and notification types from a single interface. Notisave notifies you whenever new messages are received and also shows the time when new alarms are set. It also offers a widget that lets users see all their notifications on the Android home screen. Notifications are customizable, giving users flexibility while organizing their day.
Notisave notifies you about incoming calls, SMS, MMS, emails and any other type of notification. With this saver app you can set up different alerts for different kinds of activities. You can get notified whenever any of your contacts request a call, or every time an alarm is set off. This notifier will also let you know what app was opened, when, and the user name and password. Notisave notifies you even on your mobile phone!
Notisave is a free download from the Google play store. TENQubE Incorporated owns the rights to the application, as it is part of TENQubE's suite of Android apps. The Notisave notifier and notification saver app are not affiliated, owned, or endorsed by TENQubE or Google Inc. If you feel that this product is worth your while, please take the time to read the full review.