Google (Free)
Have you ever wanted to explore the world without having to leave your couch? Do you wish to learn more about an upcoming destination, or see what this incredible planet looks like from afar? While nothing is better than a tangible experience, this application can serve a wide variety of purposes.
Google Earth gives you the world at your fingertips. This APK provides a detailed satellite image of almost anywhere on the planet. With satellite imaging, street view, and ariel imaging, there is so much information available through this service. It is a tool for research and entertainment for any curious mind.
Offers more than global imaging
The imaging on Google Earth allows you to view the world from various scales. It is easy to navigate through this app, and exposes you to almost every location, no matter how remote. Not only can you explore the home planet, but you can easily view Mars, the moon, and the heavens.
UI Magic
You control this program through your touchscreen device. It provides detailed global imaging of locations around the world. This piece of software also has an easy to use interface. All you need to do is tap to zoom in, for zooming out, use two fingers and pinch. If you want to rotate and tilt the planet, you also use two fingers. On street view, you can drag your icon to explore the surrounding area.
Search with ease
If you are seeking out a specific location, the search option provides direct access. Just enter the city name or address to check out the topography of that area. If location services are enabled, you can use the “My Location” feature to find recommendations and check out interesting features near you.
3D graphics fall short
The scale of this application is awesome, but it falls short in many areas. The 3D graphics of notable sights are underwhelming, especially when zoomed in for a tighter view. The close-up graphics are choppy, and navigation can bug.
Updates and bug fixes
Google is great at regularly updating its applications.
There have been many updates since version 8.0.0. Google has improved 3D imaging, maps are clearer, and there are better transitions between layers. Altogether, the interface is much simpler, though it is not perfect.
Visual Grasp is an Easy Task
The general functionality of this program is so superior to any other free geographical software that it is difficult to scrutinize too much. While the graphics could be improved, without a doubt, the ability to travel virtually is a gift. The accuracy and specificity of locations are uncomparable.
The innovative concept of Google Earth is one of the great discoveries of our time. Unfortunately, this program works much better on other devices, and the Android version has a significant room for growth.