WFTPD Server
WFTPD Server is a free, open source, trial version Windows server, being very much part of the category of Downloading applications with subcategory File sharing applications (more precisely FTP servers). It is available for all users with the latest operating systems including Windows 98, former Windows 98 versions and later, and it comes in English only. It was developed by Wolever Technology. It is intended for non-technical users wanting to access the Internet on their computers.WFTPD Server has a lot of features including its FTP capabilities and the ability to read and write files using different protocols such as HTTP, FTP, FTP2, TCP/IP etc. It can be used to access a wide variety of network resources including FTP, Internet and file sharing. Furthermore, this server is able to configure and protect the various networks on your network and serves as a central directory server for the management of all these resources.
To allow users to upload or download files, the file manager interface of WFTPD Server allows for various methods of using the file such as uploading directly using WAMP/WBS or over a network using realtime. The FTP port allows connecting to a local or remote FTP server. Finally, the WebDAV protocol which supports Realtime Communication enables communicating to Real Estate agents and other consumers over the Web. Moreover, the WebDAV protocol also enables clients to control digital asset collections.