Sonic After The Sequel
Sonic After The Sequel to Retro Gaming is basically a follow up to the widely successful Sonic After The Sequel. The story follows Sonic, as he is on a mission to save the Earth from the Decepticons. As in the original version, Sonic is given a new mission by his arch enemy Dr. Darkkan to prevent Amy from destroying the Earth and to stop her from getting the Earth's energy powered Gemstones. On his way, Sonic finds himself taken captive by Dr. Eggman and has to find help to get his mission accomplished.
In the story line, as in the original version, Sonic After The Sequel has you do things like go through a tunnel to an underground facility where you fight your way through waves of Robotnik soldiers. The level has different objectives, and all of them are quite different from each other. You'll see that in some places you'll have to use a grappling hook to swing through hoops, but you'll also see that in other places there are moving platforms where you can move around and jump. I personally found that the mini game had quite a bit of lag, but that's not something I experienced at all while playing the game.
Overall, Sonic After The Sequel is quite fun. It's a lot more action packed than its predecessors. Although the story line isn't as deep or as involved as the first game, it's still a great game to play. The mini game play is well designed and adds a little spice to the overall game play experience. If you like Sonic the Hedgehog and the Spin Master series, then this game should be a big hit for you.