Opera Mini-Next - Speed Dial for android
If you are planning to buy Opera Mini Next, then there are certain facts that you need to know before you go ahead and purchase it. This is the first step in creating an Opera mini version for your mobile or tablet. It is not a third party application and so it is free of cost. However, it will not work with the older versions of android phones.
Opera Mini Next is available as a free preview version of this new browser for mobile devices. Just go ahead and take a quick look at Opera Mini Next. Opera Mini Next enables you to test the upcoming new features before they are included into the regular browsers.
Opera mini next gives the user a taste of how mobile web browsing can be and what is possible with the Opera browser. These small yet powerful apps give you a good look of what's possible on the Opera browser. The mini version works just like the normal version does, and so users do not have to install anything special on their android phones to use these Opera mini next apps. All that you need to do is connect the Opera browser to your android phone via usb or Bluetooth and you will be ready to browse the internet with Opera next.