Captivating Detective Adventure: Murders on the Yangtze River
Embark on a thrilling detective journey in "Murders on the Yangtze River," a premium game set in early 20th-century China. Players step into the shoes of John Shen, a skilled investigator unraveling intricate murder mysteries along the Yangtze River. The game boasts stunning brush painting visuals that bring historical and geographical significance to life, creating an immersive experience for players.
Delve into a dark and compelling storyline that challenges your deductive skills and logic. From collecting evidence to interacting with a diverse cast of characters, the game offers a mix of point-and-click exploration and intricate puzzles. Join forces with the charismatic protagonist John Shen and his tech-savvy assistant, Frankie, as you uncover a narrative rich in folklore and history, providing a deep dive into Chinese culture.