
CSV to XLS (Excel) Converter for Windows


WhiteTown Software(Trial version)

User rating8


How to Convert a CSV (Comma-Delimited Value) to Excel Format

The CSV to XLS Excel converter allows you to transform your c CSV (comma-delimited value) documents to Excel format quickly and easily. Generally, you are able to use any delimiter, like tab, space, colon etc. The software supports both XLS and XLSX formats. You are even allowed to run the application in a small or large batch mode directly from your command line interface.

Generally, any business owner will greatly benefit from using the CSV to XLS Excel converter as it simplifies data conversion immensely. Most of the users usually find it extremely convenient to convert their c CSV (comma-delimited value) documents into easy to manage and manipulate sheets like Excel. If you are using Microsoft Excel 2021, you do not have to worry if you are going to face problems while trying to convert the data because Excel comes with built in tools that help you convert data files into other formats. The developer does not need to know anything about Excel in order to develop such software as the application will be self-powered by the Microsoft Office plug in for Microsoft Excel 2021.

Generally, any business owner will greatly benefit from using the CSV to XLS Excel Converter as it simplifies data conversion immensely. Most of the users usually find it extremely convenient to convert their c CSV (comma-delimited value) documents into easy to manage and manipulate sheets like Excel. However, if you have never tried Excel before, then it is best to get the guidance of an expert or try the trial version of the software. The user interface of the software is very user friendly and you do not need any technical skills to operate it. However, if you have basic knowledge of Excel and want to try a more complex tasks, then you can always use the free trial version of the software.




CSV to XLS (Excel) Converter 3.46 for Windows
  • Windows NT,
  • Windows 98,
  • Windows 95,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows 2003,
  • Windows 2000,
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows 7
Trial version
Latest update:
Thursday, January 25th 2024
WhiteTown Software


CSV to XLS (Excel) Converter for PC


WhiteTown Software(Trial version)

User rating8


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