Cosmic Beauty and Earth Wallpapers for Windows 10
The Cosmic Beauty theme is a free download for Windows 10 devices. It features 20 sets of stunning photos taken by terrestrial and Hubble telescopes. Despite being small, these images will leave you feeling proud and insignificant. The beautiful, vivid colors will make you feel like a star, while strange planets and black holes will make you wonder what they are made of. In addition, you will be able to see strange nebula and quasars.
If you'd like to download a free copy of the Cosmic Beauty theme for Windows 10, you can visit the Microsoft Store. There, you can search for the program you'd like to install and click the pinned icon. Once you've found the application, you can find it by typing "Cosmic Beauty" into the search bar. Then, click on the CosmicBeauty icon in the drop-down menu. Once the application has opened, you can change your wallpaper and color scheme.
The Earth theme is a Windows 10 theme that displays images of our planet from a variety of angles and spacecraft. It includes 14 high-resolution images of the earth, which you can see from different vantage points. This theme is based on the Hubble Space Telescope and supports Windows Vista. The wallpapers are dark, so they'll look perfect on your screen. The Cosmic Beauty theme comes with more than one set of wallpapers, which makes it the perfect choice for anyone who loves nature and the universe.