
Chicken Invaders 3 for Windows

Reflexive(Trial version)

User rating8


Chicken Invaders 3 Revenge

The main menu with Windows 98 has various options to either launch the software or view the in-built gaming options. Game options consist of options such as control options, graphics settings, language, gamepad buttons and also access to online leaderboards. The game can be launched either from the task bar or by right clicking on the desktop. There is a help option with the desktop that helps with configuration changes and helps with installing the software.

You can also find the game features arranged in a logical sequence, with each level having increased objectives for you to complete before moving to the next. Although you start off with the basic goal of collecting the chickens, the real challenge comes when dealing with the more difficult invaders. There is an endless amount of variety and challenges to the overall game and the fun of the real chicken battle.

The second level introduces a new weapon to the arsenal of the game - the Chicken Invaders 3 Repertoire. This allows you to fire three times in quick succession; perfect for opening up the attack on the larger and more numerous rollings. You also receive a brand new shield, which has a higher defense. In order to increase your chances of success against bigger and more aggressive enemy birds, you should place the blue pebbles on your pebbles field. With the higher score that you earn in the later levels you can purchase the powerful Pigeon Pike, which helps you defend your pebbles from larger and more aggressive enemies.




Chicken Invaders 3 for Windows
  • Windows 95
Trial version
Latest update:
Wednesday, September 21st 2022

Chicken Invaders 3 for PC

Reflexive(Trial version)

User rating8


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