AppServ - Free Website Builder For PHP
Appserv has a new version that is known as AppServ Networks. This network serves many functions for your website like an auto-responder, SEO, mail services. If you want to know more about this network please read this article. This network is a PHP based script that serve many functions for your website like: Auto responder, SEO, mail services and many more. This script will make your website look more professional with some easiness in using all scripts by windows and DOS application.
With the help of Appservnetwork you can start to build a free App Servlet for your website and test on windows server. You can also create more advanced servers such as modules to customize your websites or scripts to run easily in windows environment. This free app is based on PHP and Java and it works in all operating system such as windows, Linux, UNIX, Mac OS, and other. By using this network you can build your own App Servlet and you do not need to hire a programmer.
App Servlet is easy to install and it has been designed by keeping all the differences between Linux and windows operating system. In order to start your development you should first download App Servlet from Applegate website. Then follow the step by step instructions given in the installation wizard of AppServ then you will have to copy all files of your desired scripts into your server directory. After this you need to install PHP interpreter and MySQL database in your windows operating system so that you can start developing your websites. If you want to see the working result of your applications you can publish the App Servlet to public or private server.