7+ Taskbars Tweaker
You may have heard that there is such a thing as a 7+ Taskbar Tweaker but don't know what it does? If you have Vista or any later version of Windows, you will find that the task bar gets filled up with a lot more applications than your display can handle. Not only this, the new shortcuts that you get from the various programs installed on your system often get registered under the default view and are thus not necessarily ideal for your usage. How to change this and make your desktop a lot more useful? This is exactly what this article teaches you.
To change the behavior of your toolbar, first you need to close down all the applications that you are running except the one you are trying to modify. Then right click on your desktop, select properties and in the bottom of the window click advanced tab and click the tab called xinetabels. On the new window, click the button and type in the values shown. Once done, you will see that now the applications that are running will not take up much of your visual memory but this also means that your computer will be able to start up faster as well.
One other important feature of the 7+ Taskbars Tweaker that you might like to tweak is the font that is used by your application. You can set the font of your application in your user settings. However, if you are going to use some fancy font that is not commonly available or if you are using a font that is difficult to read on certain systems, you can enter 0 into the font field in user settings to use a different font for your application. You can also change the size of the font as well as enable or disable bold fonts, italics and other formatting options in the same fashion.