Voice Changer With Effects - A Must Have For Android Users
Voice Changer with Effects is the perfect app to make you laugh. Over 40 EFFECTS to make your voice even funnier. What else you need from an App, especially one which is Free? Seriously, if you need a lot of stuffs like this for a living then, you need a different career! I mean it is free and all you need to do is just install it on your android phone, that's it!
Voice Changer with Effects has some great effects packed into the package. From laughing too sad to talking in foreign languages, this is exactly what you need to make your life more hilarious. The best thing about this app is that you can record audio files and have them converted to different file formats, which you can then transfer to your pc. It also comes with a learning module, so if you ever get stuck, you don't need to worry because the training modules are included.
Voice Changer with Effects was first created for iPhone and now it can be downloaded for free on Android. So, if you are a big fan of comedy or want to express your self with different voices then Voice Changer with Effects is just perfect for you. I am pretty sure that you will not be disappointed by the quality of voices and effects and will enjoy this amazing voice recording maker.