USMLE Step 2 CK Cards Lite Review
USMLE Step 2 CK Cards Lite is an Android application developed by Virtual Flashcards. It is a free education and reference program that offers a lite version of USMLE Step 2 CK Flashcards. The lite version has only a few select cards for evaluation, but all options and features are active. The full version, which can be purchased on the app store, has over 3000 different USMLE Step 1 flashcards to help users master the material for the USMLE exam.
The program offers various features and options for a convenient learning environment. Users can randomize cards, flag cards for later use, grade cards using gestures, and study missed, new, correct, flagged, or all cards. They can also study all categories or selected categories, use timed mode to automatically flip and advance cards, and edit and delete cards. The program also has a statistics panel to track progress, the ability to change background color, text color, and text size, and the option to see the back of the card first.
Overall, USMLE Step 2 CK Cards Lite is a great tool for those preparing for the USMLE exam. With its convenient and effective features, it helps users to master the material and improve their chances of getting the residency of their choice.