SpongeBob - The Cosmic Shake: A Platformer Adventure
Embark on a whimsical journey in "SpongeBob - The Cosmic Shake," a 3D platformer game inspired by the beloved SpongeBob SquarePants series. The game kicks off with SpongeBob and Patrick stumbling upon wish-granting Mermaid’s Tears, leading to a cosmic adventure as the universe starts unraveling. Players will navigate through portals to various Wishworlds, encountering knights, cowboys, pirates, and more, all while donning SpongeBob's cosmic costume.
Enjoy engagingly fluid gameplay with over 30 unlockable costumes, including iconic characters like SnailBob and SpongeGar. Explore seven vibrant locations, such as Wild West Jellyfish Fields and Halloween Rock Bottom, echoing the colorful aesthetics of the original series. With original voice actors and a new soundtrack, "SpongeBob - The Cosmic Shake" delivers an immersive experience, though some may desire more challenging puzzles for added depth.