SCHMETZ Household Needles - A Comprehensive Reference for Sewing Enthusiasts
SCHMETZ Household Needles is a free Android application developed by This app is a comprehensive reference guide for household sewing machine needles in the North American Market. The app is based on the ever-popular SCHMETZ ABC Pocket Guide and provides updated color code information. With this app, users can choose the correct needle for their sewing application, learn about various types of needles available, and spot signs that indicate it's time to change their sewing machine needle.
The app is created by Euro-notions, Inc., and is designed to help sewing enthusiasts sew better with SCHMETZ. The app is easy to use and provides relevant information about the different types of needles available for household sewing machines. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced sewer, this app is a must-have for anyone who wants to improve their sewing skills.